Our responses to "contradictions" and "unfulfilled prophecies"

Below are our responses to questions that have been emailed to us, involving alleged Bible contradictions and alleged unfulfilled prophecies. Click on any of the questions listed below to see our responses. They are sorted by the books of the Bible. At the bottom of the page is a section for General Questions and responses.


Does Genesis 1:6 really say that there is a "firmament" or solid structure, like a dome over the earth?

In Genesis, aren't there two contradictory creation accounts?

Does God repent?

How long was the flood?

How many languages were there before the time of Babel?

When were Abraham's descendants supposed to return? After four generations, or seven?

Who sold Joseph into slavery?


When were Abraham's descendants supposed to return? After four generations, or seven?

Who was supposed to write the Commandments - God or Moses?

"Not a bone of him shall be broken" - a nonexistent prophecy?



Does God repent?

"Not a bone of him shall be broken" - a nonexistent prophecy?



Wasn't Ai supposed to be destroyed forever?


Is God omnipotent (all-powerful)?


1 Samuel:

Does God repent?

How long was the ark at Abinadab's house?

What happened to the Amalekites?

2 Samuel:

How long was the ark at Abinadab's house?

Who was Amasa's father?

1 Kings:

Who was the greatest: Jesus or Solomon?

How many stalls and horsemen did Solomon have?

2 Kings:

Didn't God promise Josiah a peaceful death?

Wasn't Zedekiah supposed to die peacefully?

Was Jehoiachin eight years old or eighteen years old when he became king?

1 Chronicles:

Does the Bible teach that the earth is 'fixed' and 'immovable'?

What happened to the Amalekites?

Who was Amasa's father?

Didn't Jeremiah falsely say Coniah would have no children?

2 Chronicles:

Didn't God promise Josiah a peaceful death?

How many stalls and horsemen did Solomon have?

Was Jehoiachin eight years old or eighteen years old when he became king?



Wasn't Ai supposed to be destroyed forever?




Does the Bible teach that the earth is 'fixed' and 'immovable'?

"Not a bone of him shall be broken" - a nonexistent prophecy?



Song of Solomon:


Does the Bible teach that the earth is 'fixed' and 'immovable'?

Didn't Isaiah say Damascus would forever be desolate?

Wasn't Babylon supposed to be desolate forever?

Did Matthew make a mistake when he translated almah as virgin?

A question about the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14


Is God omnipotent (all-powerful)?

Was Jeremiah wrong when he said the Babylonian Exile would last 70 years?

Didn't Jeremiah falsely say Coniah would have no children?

Wasn't Zedekiah supposed to die peacefully?

Weren't the Jews who moved to Egypt supposed to die by the sword, famine, or pestilence?

Was Jeremiah wrong about Hazor? And where are the "dragons" he spoke of?

Wasn't Babylon supposed to be desolate forever?



Wasn't Ezekiel wrong when he said the Ammonites would be forgotten?

Wasn't Nebuchadnezzar supposed to completely destroy Tyre?

Didn't Ezekiel say that Egypt would never again rule over other nations?


Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat?

Does the Old Testament teach a second arrival of the Messiah?

Was Daniel wrong when he referred to the "third" year of Jehoiakim?

Is Daniel's Seventy Weeks prophecy about days or years?

Is Daniel 9:24-27 a prophecy about the Messiah?

Is the Seventy Weeks prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27) about the one greater Messiah or two lesser messiahs?

Did Christians misinterpret Daniel 9:25?


Did Matthew misinterpret Hosea 11:1? ("When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt.").





Did Jonah's prophecy about the destruction of Nineveh fail?


Didn't Micah admit that some of God's prophet's are liars?

Was Matthew wrong when he thought that Micah meant the town of Bethlehem, rather than the person named Bethlehem?

Did Matthew alter the wording and meaning of a prophecy about the Messiah being born in Bethlehem?






Does the Old Testament teach a second arrival of the Messiah?



Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat?

Does Matthew 4:8 teach a flat earth?

Is God omnipotent (all-powerful)?

Who was the greatest: Jesus or Solomon?

Didn't Jeremiah falsely say Coniah would have no children?

Was Matthew wrong when he thought that Micah meant the town of Bethlehem, rather than the person named Bethlehem?

Did Matthew misinterpret Hosea 11:1? ("When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt.").

Did Jesus contradict his own teaching about calling someone a "fool?"

How many blind men? Matthew says two? Mark says one?

Who saw the risen Jesus first? Mary Magdalene? Peter? Cleopas? Who?

Why is the genealogy of Jesus different in Matthew 1:1 than it is in Luke 3:23-28?

How did Judas die?

Did Matthew alter the wording and meaning of a prophecy about the Messiah being born in Bethlehem?

Did Matthew make a mistake when he translated almah as virgin?

A question about the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14


How many blind men? Matthew says two? Mark says one?

Did Jesus name wrong man? When he said Abiathar, didn't he mean Ahimelech?


Who was the greatest: Jesus or Solomon?

Didn't Jeremiah falsely say Coniah would have no children?

Did Jesus contradict his own teaching about calling someone a "fool?"

Why is the genealogy of Jesus different in Matthew 1:1 than it is in Luke 3:23-28?

Jesus said "hate" your father but "love" others?


Did Jesus baptize or not?

Did Jesus tell his disciples everything about his father?

"Not a bone of him shall be broken" - a nonexistent prophecy?


How long was the ark at Abinadab's house?

How did Judas die?

Did Luke make a mistake involving Theudas and Judas the Galilean?

Did Luke make a mistake when he referred to the province of Cilicia?

Did Luke make a mistake when he said Peter addressed a crowd of 5000 men?


1 Corinthians:

2 Corinthians:


Should every man bear his own burden or not?




Who was the greatest: Jesus or Solomon?

1 Thessalonians:

2 Thessalonians:

1 Timothy:

2 Timothy:





1 Peter:

2 Peter:

1 John:

2 John:

3 John:



Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat?

General questions:

How many prophecies are there in the Bible?

Was Mithras born of a virgin, in a stable, on Dec. 25?

Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat?

Does the Old Testament teach a second arrival of the Messiah?

Did Christianity copy the Holy Trinity from the Hindu Trimurti?

If Jesus' sole mission was to die on the cross, free people from sin, and provide salvation, then why did he never in his lifetime mention it to his followers?

Is Daniel's Seventy Weeks prophecy about days or years?

Did Christianity steal from Mithraism?

Did Matthew make a mistake when he translated almah as virgin?

A question about the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14

Did Emperor Constantine shape the New Testament?

Was Jesus actually unique as a miracle worker? Were there not other religious figures in Galilee performing miracles during the time of Jesus?

Claims that Emperor Vespasian performed miracles

Was Apollonius of Tyana a first century miracle worker like Jesus?

Did Christians misinterpret Daniel 9:25?